full time angel

Saturday, March 03, 2007

To an Ulf Wherever You Are

One day by chance I sent an sms to an unknown number. After about half an hour, I got a message from this unknown number. I said sorry for that mistake and he (later on I found that it was a he) said it was ok. He told me that his name was Ulf, but not related to Smurf even tho his name was similar. Indeed I thought it would be cute if he’s like Smurf, petit and blue.

Nothing was special about this incident. The funny thing is when I told my dear friend about this “presumably” good guy (well he forwarded back the message to me instead of ignoring it like what I usually did), she kneeled and prayed. She told me she prayed to Jesus, sought His help to let me meet him. I don’t even know him, the way he doesn’t even know me. I didn’t think about meeting him, and for sure he neither, but not this friend of mine. She believes that it would be great if I could meet him. Does she know him? Big NO.


  • At 4:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    someday when you meet him by chance, and you'd love to meet him again, then don't tell me your further story ^_^

  • At 11:16 pm, Blogger adhe cinta said…

    wow sis, you always have a strong faith on this yah
    mwah mwah gimana kalau berlutut di hadapan Jesus lagi dan memohon pada-Nya


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