wink wink...blink blink ;)

Bangkok, March 31, 2006
I bought a pair of contact lenses yesterday. I had been toying with the idea of wearing contacts for months, thanks to Ann and Kiki actually. Eventually, I just went to a shopping mall, bumped in to the first shop I found and asked…Put pasa angrit mai ka? Thanked God, they did.
Oh yes, it was bloody difficult to put them on my eyes. Scared and excited at the same time. Kiki would say GANBATE for that. Don’t ask me how long it took for me to take them off lastnight, 2 bloody hours. Thanked God (again) Ann was still online. I asked her to do it and she told me the trick.
Today I asked my friend, A, how long it took for him to get used with his contacts. He told me that it took couple of weeks for him. Holly cow…..oh well but I like the feeling of having perfect eyesight. I had been wearing spectacles for 16 years…and these contacts are great. Silly me…:p